New FAA Regulations Allow Passengers to Use their Electronic Devices Gate to Gate

The safety rules and regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have finally been tweaked to enable airline passengers to use most of their electronic devices such as Smartphones, laptops, etc. from gate to gate. However, these devices still need to be switched off during landing and take-off. The much anticipated move comes as a […]

Unplugging While on Vacation

How many of you unplug while on vacation? I ask because on my last vacation, I spent half of it unplugged. While visiting family and friends in Michigan, I stayed with a friend who doesn’t have cable/satellite television or Internet service at her home. Though it was refreshing, it was quite strange to not be […]

Do You Pay For Wi-Fi Access In Your Hotel Room When You Travel?

Maybe the better question would be should you pay for Wi-Fi access in your hotel room. How much time do you spend in your hotel room anyway? And during that time, how much of it is spent online?’s article “Hotels pinched by tech-savvy guests,” confirms something many travelers already do…use our smartphones to connect […]