Ingenious Travel with Jll ShalvisJoin more than 50 romance authors in Santa Ana this Sunday, March 17, at the Doubletree by Hilton from 1:00 p. m. – 2:30 p. m.

As a member of the Romance Writers of America (RWA), I’ll be attending the SoCal RWA Writers Conference this weekend. Can you thing of a better way to end the conference than a book signing with so many amazing authors? Meet some of your favorite romance authors and discover new ones! You’ll find books in all genres: Contemporary, Erotica, Historical, Inspirational, Paranormal, Romantic Suspense, Young Adult and mash-ups that combine several genres in one novel.

Books will be for sale through Barnes and Noble or from the authors themselves. Bring your e-readers, smart phones and tablets and buy your favorite authors’ books online as you talk to them!

Additionally, as part of the book signing, we’re offering opportunity drawings for a Nook and a Kindle. There will be a little work involved like talking to your favorite authors, but isn’t that why you’ll be there? Tell your family; tell your friends and come on down to meet all of these fabulous romance authors.

This is one signing, you won’t want to miss!

Attending Authors:

Julia Quinn Jill Shalvis
Dee J. Adams Jennifer Haymore
Jackie Leigh Allen Debra Holland
Rolynn Anderson C.C. Hunter
Zoë Archer Dayle Ivy
Jane Ashford Linda O. Johnston
Christine Ashworth Lisa Kessler
Lyn Austin Tara Lain
Louisa Bacio Sharon Lathan
Kathy Bennett Jill Limber
Terry Irene Blain Christine London
Robin Bielman Angela McCallister
Elizabeth Boyle Susan Meier
Kitty Bucholtz Debra Mullins
Teresa Carpenter Louella Nelson
Charlotte Carter Kate Noble
Cassi Carver Toni Noel
Christine Cody Micah Persell
Christie Craig Jannine Corti Petska
Caitlin Crews Jane Porter
Melissa Cutler Julie Prestsater
Andrea Dale Erin Pryor
Sabrina Darby Christie Ridgway
Tessa Dare Shauna Roberts
Helen Kay Dimon Elise Sax
Nancy Ellen Dodd R. Ann Siracusa
Shannon Donnelly Susan Squires
Judy Duarte Sabrina Sol
Janie Emaus Jillian Stone
Karen Erickson Linda Thomas-Sundstrom
Shoshanna Evers Janet Tronstad
Tina Ferraro Lisa Weseman
Mary Galusha Shirley Ann Wilder
Robena Grant Linda Wisdom
Crystal Green Beth Yarnall
J.L. Hammer

The Doubletree is located at 201 MacArthur Blvd, Santa Ana, CA 92707 . Authors will be signing in Ballroom B and the Gallery.

Need more information, contact Ingenious Travel today. Hope to see you there!

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