If you’re leaving the children with their grandparents this Halloween and looking for a scary adventure for grown-ups, there are a lot of places to choose from. Whether you’re a devoted ghost chaser or are just looking for a good scare, you won’t have any trouble at all finding something to give you goose bumps during the Halloween holiday season. And if you can’t make it for the scariest night of the year, don’t despair. A number of places offer scary vacations year round.
The site of the infamous Witch Trials, Salem, MA embraces the dark and scary year round. You can visit the Witch House, the Peabody Essex Museum and the Essex Superior County Courthouse to totally immerse yourself in the history of one of the darkest moments of American History.
Are you a fan of Stephen King? Well The Stanley Hotel will be happy to take your reservation so that you can stay in the place that inspired The Shining. And if you call far enough in advance, you can book room 217 which has a reputation for being haunted. The Stanley even offers ghost tours of the hotel, including the hotel’s underground tunnel.
Are you a die-hard Scar-aholic? Then consider booking a night’s stay at the Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Louisville, KY. This former hospital for TB patients from 1910 to 1961 is considered to be a must do on the list of anybody who seriously enjoys a good scare. Visitors are able to actually travel down the Death Tunnel by flashlight tour. Considered one of the scariest places on Earth, this tour is not for the timid or for children. Waverly Hills has an annual haunted house, but also runs tours March through August. You can opt for a half night (4 hour) or full night (8 hour) tour and ghost hunt. *note, Waverly Hills does check ID’s at the start of all tours and absolutely nobody under the age of 18 is allowed*
What’s your favorite scary place?