As I’m getting ready to head off to Anaheim for the annual Romance Writers of America conference I’m thinking, how lucky am I! Four days of fun with some of my favorite authors and introductions to many new ones. (Well, not new necessarily, but new to me.)
This is both a blessing and a curse! I already have an extensive list of titles on my to-be-read list and I’m about to add even more. My new challenge: scheduling time to read them all. This is a good thing, right?
How would you like to join me in meeting some fantastic romance writers? If you live in Southern California and have Wednesday evening (7/25) open, let’s meet up at the Anaheim Convention Center. Here you’ll have access to over 400 romance writers and you’ll be supporting literacy charities at the same time! Here’s a link to the authors attending. You will want to print out the layout map so you know where your favorites are signing.
Come on now, don’t be shy. Have you seen (and read) the Huffington Post article Why Smart Women Read Romance Novels?
On that note, I’m off to pack. Hope to see you there!