Wow, unplugging is quite a hot topic! Each of us have a different level of comfort when it comes to unplugging, either when on vacation or throughout a regular week. I’d like to offer some tips on how to do this as a follow-up to last week;s blog Unplugging While On Vacation. Perhaps it will be easier to see it as a digital detox.

Here are three tips that will hopefully make a digital detox easier while on vacation:

  1. Let people know you’ll be unavailable or “out of the office” for a specified period of time. Record a voice mail message and set your email automated vacation response to reiterate your absence from the office and add how you will be happy to help them once you return. Be sure to identify an alternate contact, by both name and phone number, to cover you in the event of an emergency.
  2. Wrap up your projects early. This will allow you to handle any last minute emergencies without the stress of having to deal with both.
  3. If you’re too tempted, and know you won’t be able to truly unplug, leave your electronics at home. (This is quite easier said than done!)

Even if you’re not going on vacation, it’s just as important to do a digital detox throughout the week.

Three tips to help with a work week digital detox:

  1. Designate specific times as unplugged time. Write it in your calendar if necessary, and when that time comes, turn off your electronic devices. And I mean turn them off! If they are on silent of vibrate you’ll be tempted to check them.
  2. During those designated times, put your electronics away. Remember, out of sight is out of mind.
  3. Enjoy an activity during your unplugged time. Go for a walk, a bike ride, read a book (not on an e-reader) or reconnect with friends in person. These types of activities will make your digital detox easier.

Who knows, you may enjoy this so much that it leads to a new lifestyle!

Contact Ingenious Travel today so we can help you with your digital detox.

10 Responses

  1. For years I’ve travelled to French Polynesia (Tahitim Moorea, Bora Bora, Riaitea, Tahaa) and always stay in spartan accommodations. Little or no electronics, tv, fax, phone, internet, a/c etc. – and I usually stay a minimum of three weeks.

    Not only have I survived, I’ve flourished. I’m certain it has everything to do with digital detox.

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