More and more, people are getting down towards the end of the year and realizing they have leave that they have to use or lose. It’s happened to all of us. Whether your vacation time just got away from you or you spent the majority of the year working on special projects, don’t worry. Just because the calendar has now turned to December does not mean you still can’t get a great vacation deal.
Think outside of the traditional vacation box. Instead of being resigned to spending those vacation hours at home, drumming your fingers on the table and wishing you had thought about this in July, consider all the wonderful options instead. Just because it’s not July does not mean you can’t have a fabulous vacation.
Traditionally, the last couple of weeks of December and the first two weeks of January are ‘dead weeks’ for recreational travel. This means that most people are home for the holidays or scrambling to catch up after they are over and there are a fairly large number of hotel rooms sitting empty, just waiting for somebody to book them. And Ingenious Travel is here to help you do just that. Find a wonderfully creative solution to the Use ‘em or Lose ‘em Blues and create some fabulous memories at the same time. So whether it’s a quiet getaway for two to a bed and breakfast or a family adventure, let us help you turn those Use or Lose days into the best vacation you could ever imagine!
What’s the most interesting spur of the moment trip you ever had?