Dragon Con Logo | Ingenious TravelWhat is Dragon Con you ask? It’s an annual convention, held over Labor Day weekend in Atlanta, Georgia, that covers all things geek: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, gaming, comics, cosplay and more.

Dragon Con started in 1987, hosting 1,400 Sci-Fi/Fantasy devotees. Today, more than 50,000 fans congregate in Atlanta to participate in 45 areas of interest (including Anime/Manga, Brit Track, Fantasy Literature, Star Wars, Video Gaming, Writer’s Track, and many, many more), costume contests, the Dragon Con Parade, celebrity and author panels, and celebrity autographs and photo opportunities.

Dragon Con is spread out over five hotels: the Marriott Marquis Atlanta, Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta Hilton, Sheraton Hotel Atlanta and the Westin Peachtree Plaza, which have advantages and disadvantages.



Don’t forget to bring money! The number of vendors has grown over the years requiring them to be in their own space. You’ll find the vendors/exhibitors at The Atlanta Convention Center at Iceman |Dragon Con 2014| Ingenious TravelAmericasMart. Looking for a kilt or corset? You’ll find them there. Maybe you need a new light sabre or sonic screwdriver; you’ll find those there as well. Authors also have booths there, be sure to check to see when they’re doing book signings.

All in all, if you are a fan of Sci-Fi/Fantasy, comic books, video games, cosplay, or just want to get your geek on; this is the con for you! Memberships go on sale in September for the following year and are reasonably priced. Buy early as they do sell out.

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